Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Marathon countdown and injury conquered (hopefully)

Yeah, I've been a bad blogger, once again.  Big surprise there.  I get on the wagon, I fall off.  Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.  The good news is that I've been plugging away with the training program, dutifully putting in my time and doing well.  The bad news is that I tweaked my knee during my 20 miler 3 weeks ago and have had to take it a bit easier than I had been.

The bad part of being injured is obviously that you're injured.  There's anxiety, there's uncertainty, and if you're me, there's full on panic and a lot of melodramatic "Why, god, why?" and some tears.  I had to miss the Just a Short Run half marathon that I was planning, which should have been an easy PR for me.  I sat in the kitchen crying on the morning of the race and my 5 year old, in a fit of sympathy that's utterly uncharacteristic of him, put his arms around me, gave me a kiss, and said, "Mommy, you look crestfallen."  Crestfallen, indeed (and, props to public school, that's good vocab for a kindergartener!).

The upside of an injury is that I get to visit my sports medicine doctor, who I shall henceforth refer to as Dr. Hottie.  Dr. Hottie is not only a fab sports medicine doc, but, as the pseudonym implies, he's hot.  HOT.  Not as hot as my husband, obviously, but still, if you're going to wait for over an hour after your appointment time to spend a few minutes in a cold office in your shorts, it might as be with someone attractive.  Dr. Hottie manhandled my knee, made me bend and stretch and flex and all that, and then assured me it was probably just overuse and made a followup for me in two weeks.  So I rested, I varied my route (I had been running in the same direction on a canted road, which is all kinds of dumb.  Bad runner!  Bad!), dutifully did the PT exercises he'd given me, and things looked very good at my follow up.  Apparently my IT band is *extremely* tight, according to Dr. Hottie (interestingly, it was NOT my IT band that hurt, but good to know), but if I'm smart about things, it should all be fine.

And in the spirit of that, my training is now back on track.  I came back with a 12 miler, then a 16 miler last week, and this week I'm supposed to do 20, and we'll see how that goes.  Worse comes to worse, I can always switch to the half marathon at the expo, but I'm confidant that things will go well, and I'll at least be able to finish.

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