Saturday, August 21, 2010

An Ode to the Bob Ironman

OK, not really an ode, because my poetry skillz are pretty rusty at the moment, but I do have an almost profane love for my jogging strollers.  I loved my Dreamer Designs Ditto Lite when the older kiddos were small and compliant enough to ride in it, and I love my Bob Ironman single for running when I only have to take Charlie with me.  We set out today to do 6 miles while Haakan took Oliver and Elliot to the pool, and the plan was that I'd meet them when I finished up, but I ended up doing 7.7 miles, thanks to a bit of a miscalculation, as well as a desire to keep Charlie asleep as long as possible.  Poor guy hasn't been napping well at all since he started this obsessive rolling over phase (totally annoying - I remember this from the older boys and it makes me crazy every time) so I wanted him to get some quality sleep.  We did a rather hilly course, and I'll cop to a fair amount of walking on the hills.  Running with a jogger is not for the faint of heart, and I'm rather out of practice since I've had either the luxury of running alone, or been unable to figure out how to push both strollers at the same time, which I'd need to do if I were going to run with all three at once.  I hope this is just the first of many fabulous runs to come!

I had Haakan snap a picture of me afterwards with my new favorite running partner.  Clearly I need to wipe the smears off the camera lens on my cell phone, it looks like I'm standing in a heavy fog or something!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Love your blog! I'm a pittsburgh runner too, although so far I'm unencumbered by little ones! My twin sis had a baby back in december, and she loves her running stoller too! I'm not sure of the brand, but we totally scored on getting it used at a yard sale.
Keep on writing, _I'm_ reading!

G. said...

Thanks, April! It's kind of exciting to have a reader who's not a friend or a relative, lol. How did you find my blog, out of curiosity?